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From Bieber to Beyonce: Maejor’s influence on Top Artists

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There are many lessons that Maejor has learned throughout his Grammy-nominated career in the music industry, working with legends such as Justin Bieber, Martin Garrix, Trey Songz, Anitta, and many more. The producer, rapper, singer, and songwriter shares four insights from his record-breaking career on how to shift your mindset in order to achieve greater success.

It’s not a rejection, it’s the universe’s protection

We face rejection all the time, whether it’s a relationship, a job opportunity, or something else that we want. We try to hold on to them and force them into fruition, but they continue to evade us. It’s important to remember that this rejection we experience often works out in our favor. The best and most impactful outcomes grow naturally and organically out of a flow state. When we calculate, overthink, or force something, we tend not to produce work that’s as compelling, or the outcome of what we want ends up falling short. Rejection is not a stop sign, it’s an indicator that we have more lessons to learn.

Miracles happen, you just have to be there to see them

Elevating our awareness is key, especially when we are facing new challenges. When a door closes, sometimes a different (and better) one opens, but we must constantly be cognizant of the world around us in order to see it. The same is true for ideas. We are often just vessels for ideas to flow through, so we must increase our awareness in order to access them. Icons such as Michael Jackson and Prince had the special ability to notice the potential of ideas surrounding them and put them into action, and we should try to do the same whenever possible.

We are an infinite source of healing, wellness, and goodness

Sometimes, all we need to heal is already inside of us. It is up to us to clear the interference that is preventing us from becoming what we already are. We can use music as one of the tools to untap our natural healing potential and promote wellness. Monks use mantra to change into different states of consciousness, binaural beats can measurably affect brain waves, and different frequencies can even make dancers move a certain way. Across cultures and practices, people have discovered the power of frequency in allowing people to access their inner state of healing, so we can be encouraged to explore new modalities and strategies for healing.

Consistency is how we bring excellence to our craft

From Michael Jordan to Justin Bieber, consistency is one of the biggest traits that made them different from the rest. Talent is a must, but unceasing repetition is what allows them and us to master our crafts. When we do what we love, the consistent pursuit of our passion isn’t a choice – there is no option not to continue pushing. Consistency is a tool to maximize who we are. It allows us to optimize our direction and energy, which is essential to being a top performer.

5 Ways To Incentivize Your Employees

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Incentivizing our employees effectively goes beyond merely boosting their paychecks. Taking the correct approach creates a positive ripple effect within the company culture, strengthening work relationships, and fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute their best. Here are five different ways that we can incentivize employees as business leaders in order to fuel a cycle of growth that benefits both the individual and the organization.

We are doing ourselves a disservice if we don’t realize the pragmatic effects of utilizing money

Incentivizing our employees with money is a rational and pragmatic practice in the business world, but many businesses do not utilize it to its full potential. We can incentivize people with money in order to get them to do what we want them to  – and especially, the things we don’t want to do ourselves which create interference in our personal or professional lives. This clears the interference and frees time to either make more money or engage in activities that we don’t get paid for. Employees benefit because, in addition to receiving quantitative value, they feel appreciated for their effort and are motivated to continue to make more money.

Incentivize people to have a healthy combination of engagement and availability

Employees who are both engaged and available are essential to the productivity and culture of a business. Engaged employees know the values of the company on a quantum level, ask questions, offer their help, and are students of the calendar. Available employees are readily engaged, accessible to providing their help and service to customers and other team members alike. However, employees who display just one or the other do not add value to the workplace. An engaged employee who is not available is unable to be of service to others, and an available employee who is not engaged has much less value to provide than someone with a combination of those traits. We must incentivize our employees to be engaged and available in order to ensure a productive workplace, where motivation and inspiration can thrive.

When people don’t ask for help, it costs us personally and professionally

Employees must be able to set aside ego and ask for help when they need it, as it can be instrumental to the success of a business. Failing to ask questions can slow down productivity and lead to mistakes that could have easily been prevented. In addition, workshopping a problem together can lead to greater and more innovative results that benefit everyone. We must foster an environment where employees feel comfortable approaching others with questions, as it strengthens work relationships and contributes to the positive trajectory of the company. Encouraging employees who ask for help inspires a self-assured team that can both receive and give in an abundant way.

We want people to feel comfortable and incentivized to tell the truth

Honesty is essential to the functioning of a business, but before we can be honest with others, we must be honest with ourselves. Employees who are honest with themselves are dependable individuals who have trust and integrity, can recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and are open to growth, which benefits the company. Lying creates dis-ease and damages our credibility, preventing us from flourishing and adding value to the business. Furthermore, once we are honest with ourselves, we can be honest with others, which is essential to building relationships with clients and customers, creating a trustworthy business, and making sales. An environment where employees feel encouraged to tell the truth will foster a credible business with everyone at ease.

Time is the dependent variable of all matter

Time is the factor underlying every activity and moment – therefore, being a student of time will contribute positively to our lives in each and every area. Incentivizing our employees to be students of time will give them the opportunity to add more value, ask for more help, and be engaged and available. One way to accomplish that is being a student of the calendar, which means that we are studying the calendar each and every day with a lens of productivity, accessibility, and gratitude, looking to maximize the opportunities that come our way. It gives us the space to find the light, the love, and the lessons in every moment of our schedules. When we teach and incentivize being a student of time, we enhance the productivity, accessibility, and gratitude in our lives and accelerate the compounding of results that we want.

Michael Chandler on Overcoming Business Hurdles and Achieving Your Potential

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Inside and outside the octagon, UFC lightweight fighter Michael Chandler lives fearlessly and strives to achieve his greatest potential, bringing gratitude and passion to all that he does. In this podcast, Michael shares four strategies that have helped him to dominate the obstacles he has faced in his life, from his time inside the cage, to coaching on The Ultimate Fighter, and beyond.

Eliminate Fear by Being Prepared

Even stepping into the ring at Madison Square Garden, the world’s most iconic arena that hosted greats from Mike Tyson to Muhammad Ali, Michael Chandler didn’t let it shake him and you must strive to have the same level of comfort. By leaving no stone unturned in our preparation, we can prevent ourselves from feeling fear when it comes time to perform. If we prepare to the best of our abilities, we gain the confidence needed to excel and it leaves no doubt that we could have done more to produce a better outcome. It’s up to us to put our best foot forward, and our hard work will pay off.

Operate in Gratitude

As humans, we are prone to have our minds wander and we can get used to the many blessings that we have. When we lose touch with gratitude, these advantages may no longer seem like blessings, because they now seem commonplace. We must recognize when we begin to feel complacent and continuously adjust our perspective to one of gratitude. Saying “thank you” every morning and every night for our blessings or even reminding ourselves not to take for granted what others are wishing for are just a few practices that can help us to remain grounded.

Seek Out the People, Places, and Things That Make Us Feel Alive

We must continue to search for the people, places, and things that fill us up with happiness and inspiration. We can all get caught up in day-to-day problems and struggles, but we must remember that we have an infinite amount of happiness, peace, and joy at our disposal. We have happiness inside of us and all around us, and we have the ability to tap into it. By doing so, we can keep positivity in our lives and remain steadfast, even when the road to our goals gets a little bumpy.

Fight for Our “Why”

Despite the rigor of fighting and having it all – wife, kids, and economic success – Michael Chandler continues to come back to the cage. If we still have passion, purpose, and the “why” connected to it, we have the drive and the urge to keep going. For Michael, his “why” is his family. He wants to be his kids’ superhero, and every fight is a brushstroke on a masterpiece that they will one day see. By keeping our “why” in mind, we find the motivation and inspiration to keep fighting and be the best that we can be.

Javier “Chicharito” Hernández’s Strategies for Overcoming Injuries, Haters, and Messi’s Impact on the MLS

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In today’s world where challenges and setbacks are inevitable, maintaining a positive mindset becomes crucial. Recording-setting soccer player Javier “Chicharito” Hernández is living proof of the power of mindset, and in this podcast, Chicharito shares his insights on strategies for overcoming injuries and haters, as well as his thoughts on the future of MLS with superstar Lionel Messi’s arrival in Inter Miami.

Keep a positive mindset when things don’t go our way

Fresh off of an ACL injury, Javier “Chicharito” Hernández believes that everything happens for a reason. Any challenges that come our way are part of our own journey. If life doesn’t kick us in the face then there are no lessons to be overcome and be learned. We must not run away from the challenges that come our way, instead we should embrace them as it is a part of our journey, and place our attention and intention on doing our best, learning lessons, and having fun during the process.

Don’t let doubters impact our mindset

When people say we can’t do something or tell us that our goal is impossible”, we shouldn’t be afraid or allow their doubt to impact our own perception. The greatest athletes in the world, like Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, and Chicharito, don’t have superpowers. People have doubted them forever, but they have continued to work and try to prove to themselves they are the best, which is the same strategy we must apply. Rather than focusing on the doubts or “hate” we get from others and allowing them to limit us, we should enjoy the consistent and persistent pursuit of our unlimited potential.

Find practices that promote our mental and emotional health

We should place our intention on consistently doing mental and emotional work that benefits our mindset and general well-being. Finding practices that help us to ensure we have a positive perspective and then instituting those practices each and every day will ensure that we are in the best headspace to succeed. Whether we are doing daily gratitude practices such as saying “Thank You” each morning and evening, meditating, or doing some other exercise that puts us into the right mindset, having a tool that we can rely on when we’re not feeling our best is essential.

How Lionel Messi is going to change American soccer

Much like Chicharito’s heralded arrival to MLS back in 2020, superstar Lionel Messi is elevating the stature of the league with his decision to join Inter Miami. The global attention that comes along with the addition of Messi offers many growth opportunities for American soccer and can even change the way that the rest of the world views MLS. With this momentum, the popularity of soccer in the United States is positioned to grow more rapidly than ever before.

5 Levels of Intention

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We are accountable for generating our own luck or the coincidences that we desire in our lives, but thankfully there is an equation that helps us to create those coincidences. What we pay attention to (aka what we’re aware of) plus where we put intention in (aka what we think, say, do, believe, and feel) equals the coincidences that happen in our life. We want to put our attention and intention on the things that we want in life to manifest them, rather than focusing on what we do not want, what’s missing, or what others want for us.

We need to pay attention each and every day to what we want out of our day today in a trajectory of what we think we want for the future (knowing that our goals will change or evolve). There are also five levels of intention or levels of energy to help us through the mathematical equation of luck which persist of what we DO, what we SAY, what we THINK, what we BELIEVE, and what we FEEL. When each of these areas are aligned with the future we want, we are empowered to create that future.

The 1st Level of Intention

This is the lowest level of energy in our mathematical equation for luck and that is what we do. This means to not just sit around and meditate and do nothing all day, because nothing happens unless we move! This intention teaches us to get alignment, take action, and prepare for an adjustment in our lives. We need to ask ourselves simple questions every day to ensure that we’re on the right track. Ask ourselves whether we are doing our best, learning lessons, and having fun, and if not, why? This intention allows us to be conscious of our actions and to get up every day to take the first step forward in our equation of luck.

The 2nd Level of Intention

Our next level of energy is WHAT WE SAY. We can raise our intention to another level of frequency or vibration by using the speed of sound. We must focus on saying the who, what, and how of our goals as often as possible. This helps to ground us to the reality of our pursuits, while also helping them to become part of our subconscious and unconscious selves. We should never talk negatively and always look to speak in ways that are aligned with the future we think we want (or even something better). We need to be willing to talk about any “impossible” goals that we have, as well as have the humility to ask for help along the way.

The 3rd Level of Intention

The third level of intention needs to be aligned with what we THINK we want or better. Thought moves faster than the speed of light, sound, and action, so putting our intention on our thoughts is crucial. We have the power to take a positive perspective, no matter the situation or obstacle we’re faced with, so we must think in ways that are aligned with our goals and help us to keep faith. For the times when we have negative repetitive thoughts and lack faith in ourselves, we can work to Cancel the negative thoughts when they pop up, Clear our mind, and then Connect back to our source of inspiration.

The 4th Level of Intention

Our level of belief is the fourth level of intention and a vital component of our equation of luck.  As the old saying goes, “If you believe it, you will achieve it”. If you do not think something is possible, you will never achieve it. Belief is what helps us to take a possibility and make it into a probability for us. Belief is a higher level of thought and a higher level of intention that includes not only intelligence but intuition as well. In order to make our beliefs into reality, we must be willing to confront any fears that we experience along our journey. Self-belief is what allows us to face and overcome those fears, having the faith that something better is on the other side of those obstacles.

The 5th Level of Intention

The final ingredient to our equation of luck provides the most aggregation, the most exponentiality of outcomes, and the greatest amount of acceleration in our lives, it’s what we feel. When we DO, SAY, THINK, and BELIEVE something for long enough, it becomes a part of us that we are unable to shake. These feelings are motivational and inspirational. They are our source of ease, not “dis-ease”. Instead of accelerating into the needs of the ego, interference and dis-ease, we have the inner strength to continually pursue our goals. By combining the consistent and persistent in our pursuit of our potential with an intentional approach, we will create immeasurable “luck” and coincidences in our lives.

Leadership and Empowerment in the Modern Workforce

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In the past few years, we’ve seen more changes in the business environment than ever before. As a result, we need to be adaptable as leaders in order to set up our team members and our business to reach their greatest potential. Here are four strategies that we can apply to create more momentum in our professional pursuits and empower those around us to thrive as well.

The Future of the Modern Workforce is Hybrid
When COVID-19 first struck in 2020, everybody worked remotely out of necessity. A couple of years later, for various reasons, a large part of the workforce has been hesitant to return to the offices. As business leaders, it is important to understand that flexibility is very desirable for our team members and to put in place systems that provide that flexibility for our team. As long as our team members are able to be productive and accessible with their time each and every day, we should encourage them to have a positive work/life balance.

AI only makes predictions, humans must make judgments
There’s no debating the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in business today, as well as the fact that its impact will continue to grow. That makes it vital for us to understand that technology is a servant and not meant to be our master. What AI is really good at is making predictions based on the data it is fed, but is still up to the user to ensure that we are providing the right data and prompts in order to get a good result. By using our intellect and intuition, combined with the tools that technology provides us, we can make better judgments and typically do it far faster than ever before.


We must take control of our destiny
In order to thrive professionally, we must take accountability for our own results, rather than choosing to be a victim of circumstance. Taking accountability means that we are not only responsible for what happens to us, but we look to learn from each situation. Asking reflective questions, such as what we did to attract a specific circumstance, how we are participating in that perception, and what we can do to learn from our mistakes puts us in a position to grow. Without accountability, we often miss out on the most valuable lessons that are right in front of us and suffer from the same errors over and over.


Awareness is key to empowering others
As leaders, it is impossible for us to make needed changes to the systems and processes in our business without first having the knowledge that there is, in fact, an issue. We must be effective listeners in order to raise our level of awareness of areas of potential improvement for ourselves and our team. Listening skills raise our awareness of the issues that create the most interference in our business so that we can make the proper adjustments to remove that interference and put our team in the best position to excel.

How to find Brain and Heart Coherence

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We are all more powerful than we think, but our mind and body need to be working together, so we can be our most effective. It’s easy to understand that when we are balanced, we are our strongest. When we are out of balance, we are inviting stress and disease into our lives. Here are five different strategies you can use to find a greater balance between your head and your heart.

Regulating our thoughts and feelings are essential

Now, more than ever before, we have tools to help us better measure and understand the thoughts and feelings that we have, as well as their physiological impact. Since we have these tools, it makes it even more important for us to heighten our awareness of our thoughts and feelings, working to make adjustments for the times that we are being more negative. This is especially true for the negative thoughts and feelings that are the most common or repetitive in our lives. We must be willing to be introspective about the root cause of those fears that we experience regularly.

Be willing to explore and be curious

One of the most important parts of improving the connection between our brain and our heart is following our curiosity. We need to experiment with new ways to create more alignment between our hearts and our head. Humans tend to respond to our environment, so we should look to surround ourselves with activities, thoughts, sounds, and people that cause us as little stress as possible.

Nothing changes in our life until we change

In order to create a new reality for ourselves, we must place our intention and attention on making progress with our mindset each day. By consistently improving our thoughts, words, actions, and our level of self-belief, we are opening ourselves up to even greater opportunities and possibilities in life. It is only after making a change within ourselves that we will see a lasting change in our exterior results.

Ego is healthy (when it’s in balance)

It’s important to remember that sometimes, our ego can act as a protector and help save us from potentially dangerous situations. The problem comes when ego and stress get in our way, and prevent us from being accountable or learning lessons from a particular situation. Rather than allowing the selfish needs of our ego to cause interference, we must practice the Stop, Drop, and Roll approach. Stop feeding into the negative emotions, breathe and drop down to our baseline or center, and roll by taking action in a positive direction.

Our mental victories add up over time

Each time that we are willing to confront our fears and negative emotions, we are strengthening our level of brain-heart coherence. We can build a much stronger connection between our brain and heart if we have the fortitude to put in consistent time and effort. Just like exercising a muscle, greater repetitions will lead to more strength and power over time, making it much easier for us to confront issues that may have been difficult for us in the past.

5 Strategies to Master AI and Grow Your Business

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Using technology with intention is what will yield the greatest results, which is why technology needs to be viewed as a servant for us, rather than perceiving it to be our master. By prioritizing the uses of technology such as AI in ways that are aligned with our day-to-day and long-term goals, we can create the most momentum towards those goals. Here are five strategies that we can use technology to empower our business to grow.

We tend to fear what we do not know

Things that are unfamiliar to us also tend to cause us the most fear or anxiety, which makes it essential for us to be curious and inquisitive, rather than fearful. We need to be more interested than interesting to learn about AI and how it can be an asset to our business or its systems. Taking an open-minded approach to learning more about what technology offers is the only way to discover what is out there to improve our organization.

Technology is a tool, which can be used to build or destroy

Technology can be beneficial or detrimental like a hammer, which can be used to construct a house or disassemble one. Since we are in control of the tools that we use, it is up to us to ensure that our tools are aligned with our intentions. We need to be using them in ways that push us towards our goals, rather than allowing them to cause interference. Being honest about the times that we are misusing technology and falling victim to distraction is immensely important, as well, because it gives us the opportunity to make adjustments to our habits.

Look to create more productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness

When we are more efficient with resources such as our time, energy, or money on a consistent basis, we will always get better long-term results. Technology such as AI can be a fantastic aid in helping to create such efficiencies, whether in our business or our personal life because it helps us get started quickly. By exploring new ways to systematically use AI or other tools, we can unlock the true potential of our business and the people who are a part of it.

Better technology means more access

Technology today allows us to connect with more people than ever, meaning that we have more opportunities to connect with potential business partners and clients. Whether we are using our phone, email, or social media to connect with others, we should be grateful that we have more access than ever before in human history. We must also look to use technology in ways that create a meaningful connection with the people who are most relative to us and our business.

When we discover a great use of technology, we must share it

If we do happen to discover new systems or tools that help us to be more productive or create more impact in our business, we should also consider sharing those ideas with others who are aligned with us. Technology can have a far greater impact when it is shared, so it is incumbent on us to be abundant and willing to pass along the new and novel ways that we use tech so that others can share in the benefits, too.

6 Strategies for Mastering Time Management

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In large part, our mindset plays the most important role in whether we make effective use of our time or not. When we are able to analyze our daily calendar with a lens of productivity, accessibility, and gratitude, we can increase the number of decisions we make that are aligned with our goals and values. Here are six strategies that we can use to ensure that we are making the most of the 24 hours we’ve given each day.

Transparency: Sharing Struggles Alongside Success

Transparency and openness are vital for success when it comes to determining our priorities, and deciding how much time and energy we invest into those priorities. Transparency in how we allot our time builds trust and authenticity with the people around us. We must be willing to illuminate the times that we make mistakes when determining our priorities as well, as time management is about progress and not perfection.

Perseverance and Hard Work: Embracing the Grind

Throughout the entrepreneurial journey, perseverance and hard work are indispensable for success. The path to achieving goals is rarely smooth, and setbacks are inevitable. In the realm of time management, perseverance and hard work are equally crucial, and as leaders we need to remain dedicated to our schedules, prioritizing tasks by importance and urgency, and staying focused even when confronted with obstacles or unexpected demands. With this approach, we can overcome obstacles that come our way and stay committed to our goals, especially when it comes to managing our time.

Choosing the Right Circle of Influence

Our time is limited, so we should ensure that we are investing our time in the people who push us toward our goals and support us. By surrounding ourselves with people who bring value and positivity into our lives, as well as working to avoid the people who drain our time or energy, we make the most of our limited resources. Curating a supportive network will also give us access to elevated energy, knowledge, and accountability, and those resources will greatly aid us in our pursuits.

Productivity and Accessibility Strategies

When it comes to our daily calendar, it is important that we focus on our level of productivity and accessibility throughout the day. With our most repetitive tasks, we must look to be as efficient, effective, and statistically successful as possible, which will lead to greatly increased productivity. As for our accessibility, it is important for us to communicate when we are available to our clients, friends, and family, as well as being clear when we will be unavailable.

The Power of Radical Humility

It’s important to recognize that we don’t have all the answers when it comes to making the best use of our time and making mistakes is a part of being human. Practicing humility not only means that we admit our mistakes, but also that we ask for help or advice from people who display a great grasp on work/life balance. We must always look for the light, love, and lessons within the missteps that we make so that we continue to get close to our potential.

Collaboration Is Key to Success

Having a support system that helps to keep us accountable for our time management strategies is essential as well. When we have daily practices such as being a student of our calendar and have a team of people around us who are also students of their calendar, we are building an environment that allows us to take full advantage of our time. Whether we are prioritizing the activities we get paid for (aka “work”) or the activities we don’t get paid for, this approach ensures that we are supported in our goals.

7 Strategies to Succeed in Your Career!

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Finding success in our career takes the right mindset, combined with the right skills, knowledge, and desire. It may take work to find a job or career that suits our personality and passion, but it is possible with the right approach. Here are seven strategies that anyone can apply to their professional pursuits to ensure that we are positioning ourselves to learn and grow as much as possible so that we can manifest career success in the present and future.

Look at parental advice like a handful of sand

It’s important to understand that while they may care immensely about us and our happiness, our parents don’t always know what’s best for us. Pressure from our parents to go into a certain career or industry can be overwhelming at times, but we should first work to be grateful that they care about us. We must treat career advice like a handful of sand, where we take a close look at it and reflect on its value, ensuring to keep ahold of the important “nuggets” that we identify as being the most valuable to us.

Aligning our skills, knowledge, and desires is the key to unlocking our potential

To achieve the greatest amount of success, we must ensure that we are chasing goals that are aligned with our true potential. Doing a thorough analysis of our skills, knowledge, and desire allows us to identify careers or industries where we are suited to excel in the present (or in the future). This also helps us to identify areas of improvement, so we can gain new skills and knowledge that empower us to thrive.

Work to gain practical skills

Taking internships or entry-level jobs as a young person is one way to dip our feet in the water of a particular industry, while also gaining real-world experience. These types of roles help us to learn what we do or do not enjoy about a career or industry, so that we can make more educated choices about our future, as well as provide opportunities to expand our network and knowledge base at the same time.

Learn to love what we’re doing

We can create more enjoyment in our job by looking to infuse passion and purpose in our day-to-day activities. Practicing gratitude and taking the attitude that we “get to” do something instead of thinking that we “have to” is a mindset shift that we can apply to any job or industry. When you learn to love what you do, you will also learn all of its secrets. This approach of finding greater meaning in our work invariably leads to better results over time.

Money doesn’t buy happiness

Many young people attach their emotions to the idea of landing a high-paying job, not realizing that they may be sacrificing their emotional well-being in the process. In reality, money cannot buy us happiness, it gives us the opportunity to shop for a wider variety of things. Shopping for the right things is what makes us happy, so that should be our focus instead of how much we are earning.

Life is not a zero-sum game

Taking an abundant approach to our lives and careers will set us apart from the pack. When we are living in a value-add world, rather than one of scarcity, there are more opportunities to connect and collaborate with others. Instead of being focused on our “competition”, we need to run our own race and focus on consistently providing more value than we ask for in return.

Look for the lessons in our experiences

One of the best things about being young is that we are better equipped to “fail” because we have more time to make up for these failures. We must accept that making mistakes is a part of life and be forgiving of ourselves when they happen, but the biggest key is learning from these experiences. By finding the lessons in our missteps, we can apply those lessons going forward and avoid repeating the same mistakes over and over.