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Navigating Life’s Challenges with Gratitude

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Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools in the world because it allows us to find the light, love, and lessons in everything and everyone. Whether we are looking at the past, present, or future, viewing events and people with a lens of gratitude is key to ensuring a positive outlook on life. Here are four strategies that anyone can use to tap into gratitude daily, as well as lead a happier and more fulfilling life.

Gratitude Should Be an Everyday Practice

One of the easiest ways to change our lives is to say thank you every night and morning. This simple act can help us to cultivate a positive perspective on life by helping us to focus on the things we’re more grateful for, but many of us fail to do it consistently. Having a consistent practice each day, such as keeping a gratitude journal or saying thank you, helps gratitude to become a part of our subconscious and unconscious self.

Being Thankful Makes Our Past Brighter

We should not only be paying attention to what we’re grateful for in the present. By focusing on the positive aspects of our past experiences, we can avoid creating unnecessary resistance and obstacles for ourselves in our current path. Gratitude allows us to give beneficial meanings to our past experiences, influencing our future in a positive direction.

Gratitude For The Future is Faith

We must also have faith that what is occurring today, which immediately becomes the past, is going to be protecting and promoting us, leading us to a better future than we could conceive. When we don’t have the faith that we’re being led to a better situation than we were before, we can start moving in the wrong trajectory and unknowingly creating resistance between us and what we want. Having faith empowers us to deal with any voids, shortages and obstacles that we experience along the way.

Forgiveness and Accountability Are Other Powerful Tools

In order to help us get to where we want to be or better, we must also utilize forgiveness and accountability in conjunction with gratitude. For the times we get caught up in the needs of our ego, such as the need to be right or the need to be offended, practicing forgiveness is key to moving on. When we also take accountability for learning from the situations or circumstances that we experience, we ensure that we are progressing and getting closer to our true potential.

5 Tips for Building a Lasting Community

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When connecting with others, open-ended questions serve as a gateway to identifying whether someone is receptive to our ideas, business, or our services. This is the first step to building a community that is grounded in mutual support and value exchange, which is essential for any brand. Here are five strategies that can be used in conjunction with open-ended questions, to help us build a lasting community.

Open-ended questions help us to identify the right people

There is no better way to figure out whether someone has an open mind, open heart, and open hands than by asking them open-ended questions. There is a large total addressable community (TAC) and we can identify the right people for our community if we ask the right questions. Once we’ve identified the people who fit in our community, we can start to transition their interest to join.

There is nothing more powerful than a community

With a community that is willing and readily able to help each other (or who know other people who can help), we can generate lasting loyalty. When people combine forces in their efforts, they can leverage the situational knowledge of others and avoid paying the “dummy taxes” that others have. That added momentum can make all of the difference when building or growing a business. A community of open minds, hearts, and hands that will help each other, as well as buy from us and sell for us, will set any brand up for lasting success.

Figure out what people do and do not like

We can only determine how we can provide value for someone if we understand what they’re currently doing today, as well as what they do and do not like about it. Open-ended questions are the best tool for us to help make these determinations. By being more interested than interesting and learning how we can best provide value for others, we position ourselves to be of service in ways that make an impact on their business or personal life.

Don’t waste time on a closed mind

Another benefit of asking open-ended questions is it helps us to determine whether someone has a closed mind at that time. It takes infinitely more energy to re-engineer a closed mind than it does to share a vision with an open mind, so asking questions can help us to avoid spending that energy on the wrong people. It is important to understand that this could be a timing issue as well, as few people have a closed mind all the time. We may need to let time pass before we try again to figure out whether someone has an open or closed mind.

Be humble enough to learn

When we ask open-ended questions of others, we need to prepare ourselves to hear things that might not be easy for us to take in. We need to avoid letting our ego get in the way when we ask questions and do our best to learn, with intention and attention. We cannot let the need to be right, superior, or offended get in the way of accepting the input of others and using it to continually build our community.

Old School Strategies in a Digital World | How Krispy Kreme Brands Itself

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Krispy Kreme is among the world’s most beloved brands, and a big part of what keeps that love going is the company’s ingenious marketing. Dave Skena, Krispy Kreme’s Global Chief Brand Officer, ensures Krispy Kreme’s unwavering commitment to the timeless charm of its donuts, which strikes a chord with modern consumers. Here are four marketing insights that Dave divulges which set Krispy Kreme apart from its competitors and foster the profound love that sustains the brand.

The world needs retro more than ever

In today’s rapidly evolving world of technology and social media, brands often lose the analog touch of authenticity. Now, that personal touch is exactly what people want and need to see. Krispy Kreme has stayed true to its retro roots, showing customers the entire manufacturing process from the time of mixing the dough to the finished product. The transparency of the handmade process is old school, and their authenticity shines through, which has allowed Krispy Kreme to remain the “OG donut brand” after all these years.

Remain flexible

At Krispy Kreme, the marketing pace is quick. A lot of activity is being done on a small budget and in a small time frame. This requires a lot of flexibility. After measuring the success of marketing campaigns and figuring out what worked or what didn’t, Krispy Kreme strives to constantly improve and it is this approach we must adopt. It’s important to understand that we don’t always have everything figured out. Constant evaluation, tinkering, and moving forward is essential to keep our company’s marketing thriving.

Know the role that your products play in your consumers’ life

Krispy Kreme donuts are often a highlight of someone’s day, giving them a much-needed dose of happiness. In an era where pure generosity is hard to find, Krispy Kreme has a role to play and they understand it clearly. From giving away masses of free donuts to healthcare workers during the pandemic to always allowing customers to sample fresh donuts, generosity is at the heart of the company. When you innately understand the role that you play in your customers’ lives, you can adapt your approach to keep those emotional connections strong.

Brand longevity relies on love

In addition to all the regular metrics to measure brand performance, Krispy Kreme looks at love for the brand. Love is a measure of intimacy, which will carry a brand over time. Only looking at hard statistics can cause us to lose sight of the intensity of adoration, which is essential to create the strongest supporters that will engage with and talk about our brand. Love for Krispy Kreme is also indicative of its “something special.” Measuring brand love is a way to make sure our marketers are maintaining that distinct, intangible component and depth of care that keep people coming back.

My Personal and Professional Blueprint to Happiness

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If we want to get to where we want to be or better personally and professionally, we need to understand how we make our decisions, why we make our decisions, and how to make them quickly aligned with our goals. When we use pragmatic tools to enhance our decision-making each and every day, we can get closer to reaching our true potential. Here are five strategic practices to utilize everyday to find happiness and fulfillment, as you pursue your dreams and goals.

Know your “what”

The first step of strategic decision-making is to determine and balance what we want personally and professionally, along with what we want to give and receive. How we give weight to these four different realms relies on the external factors that are out of our control, from the weather to the current economic state, and the meaning we give to the defining moments of our past. We cannot make a decision that is aligned with where we want to be or better unless we can find the light, the love, and the lessons in our failures, setbacks, and mistakes. This will take us from a state of nothingness to a mathematical possibility of achieving our goals.

Know your “who”

We can make a possibility into a probability by knowing who we can help and who can help us to get the “what” that we’ve identified. The easiest way to get to where we want to be is to ask someone who is already there for directions or to help others to get where they want to go. By doing so, we also create a community of people who will help each other, accelerating everyone toward success. We build a community that will buy from us and sell for us for life – a key component of all the most successful companies.

Know your “how”

After knowing our “what” and “who,” we need to know how to actually accomplish the tasks required for us to achieve our goals, which is dependent on time. Our days are filled with activities that are planned and unplanned, both paid and unpaid. We first must figure out our non-negotiable activities, such as getting enough sleep, our health, and spending quality time with family. The remaining time can be filled with activities that we want and will accelerate us on the trajectory of where we want to be. We can also quantitatively measure our progress with time. If we find ourselves spending less time engaging in bad behaviors everyday, we know we are making progress. By studying time, we go from a probability of success to a perspective of productivity.

Know your “now”

There is nothing more statistically successful than doing something now. If we know how to prioritize, do what we need to do now, and know what we need to do next, we find the antidote to procrastination and feeling overwhelmed. We shift our paradigm to one of abundance, feeling excited for the plentiful opportunities before us. Prioritization creates our materialization and monetization. It constructs our reality.

Apply your “why”

Most people live in a world of “I want people to think I am” instead of “I am.” They search for more, not realizing that it’s something they already have. We must make decisions as if “I am” and question what we are doing to interfere with it. This requires having a source of faith that is bigger than us and loves us more than our mom. Our fear of the past and future is simply interfering with our connection to this source. Instead of resisting our fear, we must simply stop, identify what ego-based consciousness we are applying to it, and reconnect with our source of faith. When we remember “I am,” we will live in spirit, lessen resistance, and make the right decisions that promote and protect us to enjoy the consistent pursuit of our potential.

Discovering Your Inner Genius with Bob Proctor

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A legend in the personal development space, Bob Proctor was renowned for his remarkable personal transformation and dedicated his life to empowering others to follow suit. He proved that when we visualize our dreams and commit to action, the boundless possibilities of life become tangible realities within our grasp. Here are four invaluable pieces of wisdom from Bob Proctor that hold the key to unlocking our inner potential and reshaping the trajectory of our life.

Only we can change our life

There is only one person capable of changing our life: us. Our subconscious is like the Earth. It doesn’t care what we plant, but it will return what we plant, whether those seeds are good or bad. We have the ability to change what we input into ourselves, allowing us to alter our subconscious and the results we see in the world. Other people can help us come to this realization, but the work to change our lives must come from the inside.

We must analyze our beliefs to change them

Our beliefs dictate how we perceive the world around us, which will influence the trajectory of our lives for better or for worse. We must truly and whole-heartedly believe in our success in order to achieve them. Lingering thoughts of uncertainty will halt our goals from taking root in our subconscious and prevent us from making the changes we desire. In order to shift our beliefs to support our goals, we must reevaluate them. By simply assessing the beliefs we currently hold about a situation, our beliefs about the situation can change.

We have genius inside us

We are trained to live through our senses, gathering information through what we can see, touch, feel, hear, and taste. We live externally, oftentimes failing to consider the inner environment of our mind. We must find a way to consciously alter the paradigm of our subconscious to unleash the genius inside of us. This process requires ceaseless repetition. Perfect practice makes us perfect. By remaining consistent, we will program our subconscious and improve our results.

If we can hold it our head, we can hold it in our hand

We have the imagination to help us get out of the “box” which prevents us from reaching our full potential. If we can build the image, we can manifest it. Bob had many pieces of wisdom to pass on, but one of the most impactful is this: There is more to life than we are experiencing. We can have whatever we want, but we have to earn it. All we have to do is wake up, and then there is no end to what we are capable of doing.

Transforming Beliefs for Abundance and Growth

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Our minds hold immense power over-reaching our potential and building the future we want. The beliefs we hold about ourselves, others, and the circumstances in our lives can either propel us toward success or hold us back from achieving our goals. It is up to us to shift our perspective. Here are four ideas that will help transform how we see our lives and better align our efforts with our greatest desires.

What effectuates our future is today

What we do today propels us toward the outcomes we will see in the future, but what we do today in the trajectory of our future often relies on the beliefs we attach to the past. Attaching the wrong beliefs to the past will set us up for failure in the present (and future). Our negative or false beliefs stemming from our prior failures, obstacles, mistakes, and even successes, make us unable to effectuate productive measures today in the trajectory of what we want in the future or better. We must shift our negative beliefs of the past to make sure what we do today is constructive.

 Identify your fears of the past

Identifying what we are afraid of and what ego-based consciousness we are applying to it will allow us to release the fear that holds us back. What we are prescribing to our fear could be resentment, guilt, superiority, or the need to be right, but whatever it is, identifying it will help us move forward. Instead of trying to resist, go around, or manipulate the fear, we should simply stop and breathe. Resisting only wastes our energy and creates more interference in our lives. Raising our awareness to our fears and sitting with them will help clear the interference and make it easier to handle them if they pop up again.

Shift your perspective to being worthy

In a world of abundance, there is no “more,” there is only “I am.” Each of us are already healthy, wealthy, and worthy, but we interfere with our potential when we focus on what we don’t have or feel like we don’t deserve the things we do have in our life. When we don’t feel worthy, we tend to see the undesired circumstances, events, and people that come about as punishment. However, when we feel worthy, we understand that we are protected and promoted by the “pain”. We learn vital lessons, see positives, and even find open doors for better things to occur in our lives. We must shift our viewpoint to being worthy in order to stop viewing ourselves as a victim and fulfill our true potential.

Forgiveness heals everything

Practicing forgiveness will change our lives. If a person is causing us pain, we can choose to find the light, the love, and the lessons in that pain and forgive them, which will heal the dis-ease almost instantaneously. We should never allow that person and the pain they cause to negatively impact us. In order to have forgiveness for ourselves, we also must have faith, as well. When we have faith that we are just interfering with our potential, we can forgive ourselves and repair our confidence and self-image. Practicing forgiveness for ourselves and others will heal all and put us at ease, which makes manifesting what we desire in our lives occur more rapidly and accurately.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

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Accepting that our future is in our own hands and we are accountable to create it is an essential part of a growth mindset. There is transformative power in our thoughts, beliefs, and actions to drive us forward, as long as we maintain alignment with our goals and values. Here are four key insights and strategies to navigate life’s challenges and advance toward the future we desire.

We have control of our mindset

We have control of our mindset in relation to how we feel and what we do. This is because our beliefs are the control center of our mindset – they are indicative of what we feel, which then governs what we do, say, and think every day. One way to shift our beliefs is to change the meaning we give to the past, spinning challenges and “failures” into positive learning experiences. Finding the light, the love, and the lessons in the past fuels our trajectory toward what we want or better in the future, and by adjusting our beliefs, we can influence our mind to achieve our goals.

Practice time and forgiveness to be at ease

Time and forgiveness are the two interrelated elements that are essential to living at ease. Within the man-made 24-hour construct, time is finite. As a result, it is the only mechanism that we can utilize to measure if we are diminishing our fear, anxiety, and dis-ease. In addition, when we inevitably waste our time with things that put us at dis-ease, we can heal by practicing forgiveness – forgiving ourselves and forgiving others. Utilizing time and forgiveness in the correct way puts us at ease, rather than causing interference between us and our source of inspiration.

Get out of your comfort zone

There are three zones of comfort: the comfort zone, the learning zone, and the anxiety zone. In order to get out of our comfort zone, we first must determine what activities are within it and explore what else we can learn to continue to grow and enter the learning zone. In this zone, we may experience pain, but it is not an indicator to stop; it’s an indicator that we have knowledge to acquire. As we learn from voids, shortages, and successes, we expand our comfort level and confidence. The anxiety zone, on the other hand, is constricting. We must identify our fears and evaluate what ego-based consciousness is at the root of it. Then, we can work to confront and end those fears. As we continue to push ourselves, the learning zone will become our new comfort zone, and our anxiety zone will become our new learning zone.

The meaning of life is whatever meaning you give it

We are a bag of beliefs, which determines the significance that we perceive and place on our lives. Because this significance comes from the internal rather than external, only we can give our lives meaning. Therefore, we must consider what meaning we want to give the events that unfold. We can choose to live in a world of not enough, where we feel like a victim unable to control our own lives. We can choose to live in a world of just enough, where we constantly trade, negotiate, and compete to get what we want. Or, we can choose to live in a world of abundance, where there is enough of everything for everyone and we are masters of our own lives. We can give our lives the meaning that will best set us up for happiness and success.

From Bieber to Beyonce: Maejor’s influence on Top Artists

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There are many lessons that Maejor has learned throughout his Grammy-nominated career in the music industry, working with legends such as Justin Bieber, Martin Garrix, Trey Songz, Anitta, and many more. The producer, rapper, singer, and songwriter shares four insights from his record-breaking career on how to shift your mindset in order to achieve greater success.

It’s not a rejection, it’s the universe’s protection

We face rejection all the time, whether it’s a relationship, a job opportunity, or something else that we want. We try to hold on to them and force them into fruition, but they continue to evade us. It’s important to remember that this rejection we experience often works out in our favor. The best and most impactful outcomes grow naturally and organically out of a flow state. When we calculate, overthink, or force something, we tend not to produce work that’s as compelling, or the outcome of what we want ends up falling short. Rejection is not a stop sign, it’s an indicator that we have more lessons to learn.

Miracles happen, you just have to be there to see them

Elevating our awareness is key, especially when we are facing new challenges. When a door closes, sometimes a different (and better) one opens, but we must constantly be cognizant of the world around us in order to see it. The same is true for ideas. We are often just vessels for ideas to flow through, so we must increase our awareness in order to access them. Icons such as Michael Jackson and Prince had the special ability to notice the potential of ideas surrounding them and put them into action, and we should try to do the same whenever possible.

We are an infinite source of healing, wellness, and goodness

Sometimes, all we need to heal is already inside of us. It is up to us to clear the interference that is preventing us from becoming what we already are. We can use music as one of the tools to untap our natural healing potential and promote wellness. Monks use mantra to change into different states of consciousness, binaural beats can measurably affect brain waves, and different frequencies can even make dancers move a certain way. Across cultures and practices, people have discovered the power of frequency in allowing people to access their inner state of healing, so we can be encouraged to explore new modalities and strategies for healing.

Consistency is how we bring excellence to our craft

From Michael Jordan to Justin Bieber, consistency is one of the biggest traits that made them different from the rest. Talent is a must, but unceasing repetition is what allows them and us to master our crafts. When we do what we love, the consistent pursuit of our passion isn’t a choice – there is no option not to continue pushing. Consistency is a tool to maximize who we are. It allows us to optimize our direction and energy, which is essential to being a top performer.

5 Ways To Incentivize Your Employees

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Incentivizing our employees effectively goes beyond merely boosting their paychecks. Taking the correct approach creates a positive ripple effect within the company culture, strengthening work relationships, and fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute their best. Here are five different ways that we can incentivize employees as business leaders in order to fuel a cycle of growth that benefits both the individual and the organization.

We are doing ourselves a disservice if we don’t realize the pragmatic effects of utilizing money

Incentivizing our employees with money is a rational and pragmatic practice in the business world, but many businesses do not utilize it to its full potential. We can incentivize people with money in order to get them to do what we want them to  – and especially, the things we don’t want to do ourselves which create interference in our personal or professional lives. This clears the interference and frees time to either make more money or engage in activities that we don’t get paid for. Employees benefit because, in addition to receiving quantitative value, they feel appreciated for their effort and are motivated to continue to make more money.

Incentivize people to have a healthy combination of engagement and availability

Employees who are both engaged and available are essential to the productivity and culture of a business. Engaged employees know the values of the company on a quantum level, ask questions, offer their help, and are students of the calendar. Available employees are readily engaged, accessible to providing their help and service to customers and other team members alike. However, employees who display just one or the other do not add value to the workplace. An engaged employee who is not available is unable to be of service to others, and an available employee who is not engaged has much less value to provide than someone with a combination of those traits. We must incentivize our employees to be engaged and available in order to ensure a productive workplace, where motivation and inspiration can thrive.

When people don’t ask for help, it costs us personally and professionally

Employees must be able to set aside ego and ask for help when they need it, as it can be instrumental to the success of a business. Failing to ask questions can slow down productivity and lead to mistakes that could have easily been prevented. In addition, workshopping a problem together can lead to greater and more innovative results that benefit everyone. We must foster an environment where employees feel comfortable approaching others with questions, as it strengthens work relationships and contributes to the positive trajectory of the company. Encouraging employees who ask for help inspires a self-assured team that can both receive and give in an abundant way.

We want people to feel comfortable and incentivized to tell the truth

Honesty is essential to the functioning of a business, but before we can be honest with others, we must be honest with ourselves. Employees who are honest with themselves are dependable individuals who have trust and integrity, can recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and are open to growth, which benefits the company. Lying creates dis-ease and damages our credibility, preventing us from flourishing and adding value to the business. Furthermore, once we are honest with ourselves, we can be honest with others, which is essential to building relationships with clients and customers, creating a trustworthy business, and making sales. An environment where employees feel encouraged to tell the truth will foster a credible business with everyone at ease.

Time is the dependent variable of all matter

Time is the factor underlying every activity and moment – therefore, being a student of time will contribute positively to our lives in each and every area. Incentivizing our employees to be students of time will give them the opportunity to add more value, ask for more help, and be engaged and available. One way to accomplish that is being a student of the calendar, which means that we are studying the calendar each and every day with a lens of productivity, accessibility, and gratitude, looking to maximize the opportunities that come our way. It gives us the space to find the light, the love, and the lessons in every moment of our schedules. When we teach and incentivize being a student of time, we enhance the productivity, accessibility, and gratitude in our lives and accelerate the compounding of results that we want.

Javier “Chicharito” Hernández’s Strategies for Overcoming Injuries, Haters, and Messi’s Impact on the MLS

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In today’s world where challenges and setbacks are inevitable, maintaining a positive mindset becomes crucial. Recording-setting soccer player Javier “Chicharito” Hernández is living proof of the power of mindset, and in this podcast, Chicharito shares his insights on strategies for overcoming injuries and haters, as well as his thoughts on the future of MLS with superstar Lionel Messi’s arrival in Inter Miami.

Keep a positive mindset when things don’t go our way

Fresh off of an ACL injury, Javier “Chicharito” Hernández believes that everything happens for a reason. Any challenges that come our way are part of our own journey. If life doesn’t kick us in the face then there are no lessons to be overcome and be learned. We must not run away from the challenges that come our way, instead we should embrace them as it is a part of our journey, and place our attention and intention on doing our best, learning lessons, and having fun during the process.

Don’t let doubters impact our mindset

When people say we can’t do something or tell us that our goal is impossible”, we shouldn’t be afraid or allow their doubt to impact our own perception. The greatest athletes in the world, like Tom Brady, Michael Jordan, and Chicharito, don’t have superpowers. People have doubted them forever, but they have continued to work and try to prove to themselves they are the best, which is the same strategy we must apply. Rather than focusing on the doubts or “hate” we get from others and allowing them to limit us, we should enjoy the consistent and persistent pursuit of our unlimited potential.

Find practices that promote our mental and emotional health

We should place our intention on consistently doing mental and emotional work that benefits our mindset and general well-being. Finding practices that help us to ensure we have a positive perspective and then instituting those practices each and every day will ensure that we are in the best headspace to succeed. Whether we are doing daily gratitude practices such as saying “Thank You” each morning and evening, meditating, or doing some other exercise that puts us into the right mindset, having a tool that we can rely on when we’re not feeling our best is essential.

How Lionel Messi is going to change American soccer

Much like Chicharito’s heralded arrival to MLS back in 2020, superstar Lionel Messi is elevating the stature of the league with his decision to join Inter Miami. The global attention that comes along with the addition of Messi offers many growth opportunities for American soccer and can even change the way that the rest of the world views MLS. With this momentum, the popularity of soccer in the United States is positioned to grow more rapidly than ever before.