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Rob Riggle, Actor and Comedian, Discusses Unleashing Your Potential

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While you may recognize him from shows like Holey Moley or The Daily Show, or maybe movies like 21 Jump Street and The Hangover, Rob Riggle truly has one of the most unique careers in Hollywood history. With more than 23 years of service in the Marine Corps to add to his wealth of experience in the entertainment industry, the Emmy-nominated comedic actor sheds light on four ways that people can get closer to becoming their best selves.

We must get out of our comfort zone

We will never achieve our potential if we are unwilling to step out of our comfort zone. We have to try new things in order to determine what areas are best for us to focus on improving. We can learn from the “failures” we experience along the way, but we can’t learn from not trying.

When we find our calling, follow it relentlessly

It’s important to find an outlet for our greatest passions in life, especially those that make us happy. We want to live inspired, which is a mindset that empowers us to be creative and pursue our potential. After we have identified a potential calling, we must be consistent and persistent in chasing after our goals, while also understanding that our goals may change over time.

Success is about resiliency, fortitude, and a willingness to “embrace the suck”

We all experience setbacks and rejection as a part of our lives. Most of us also experience the feelings of shame that come along with rejection or a sense of failure. We must remember that this feeling is only temporary and that we must look for lessons in the challenges we face. When you have practice in weathering those difficulties, you develop the grit to help you keep pushing forward, no matter what.

Constantly seek opportunities for growth

Personal development is a key part of thriving in life. As Rob says, “If you’re not growing, you’re dying.” It is our level of skills and knowledge that determines our baseline of potential, so we must be tenacious in the way we learn. A passion for adding things, combined with a high level of desire, ensures that we are getting closer to our greatest potential.

News Letter

My Most Misunderstood Content of 2022

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Click here to listen to this episode of the Playbook! Please remember that the greatest way you can help me is to subscribe, rate, and leave a review on my podcast. Thank you for your support!

Clarity of message is important if we truly want to get our point across to an audience. One of my favorite areas to reflect on during the New Year is the times when I am more commonly misunderstood, so I can make adjustments and ensure that people are truly hearing and understanding what I want to say.

I went back and found some of my most misunderstood pieces of content from this year, to help better articulate some of those ideas, so that everyone has an opportunity to grow and learn these five lessons and apply them going forward.

Money doesn’t buy love or happiness

Above all else, money is a tool that allows us to “shop” for things that may make us happy. The biggest key comes from the choice to shop for the right things in life, rather than focusing on purchasing items or experiences that bring us no happiness or joy.

The spirit of excellence always sets people apart

There is a difference between feeling beholden to complete an activity to feeling inspired to accomplish it. The people who are the first to show up and the last to leave, who operate with a spirit of excellence, are the ones who will receive the greatest rewards. When you give your full attention and intention to a task, that leads to more luck and opportunities in the future.

There is a massive difference between going the extra mile and living on the empty mile

Being willing to go the extra mile on occasion is fine, but those who are consistent and persistent about making an extra effort will always see the greatest benefit from this approach. Having the faith to invest in ourselves each and every day is the mindset of a champion and is a necessary part of pursuing our potential.

Empower people to make decisions that are good for them

We get the best results from employees who have the power and flexibility to balance their priorities with those of the company. Offering people a path to make their own decisions, such as unlimited vacation time or the ability to set their own schedules, is a just reward for individuals who work alongside us.

Our words have power

The words we choose have immense power, both positive and negative. Negative or attacking thoughts rarely make a situation better, which is why we should always focus on positive communication. We must strive to bring positive and thoughtful words to our conversations, even if they are not always received in the same fashion.

News Letter

My Best Marketing Advice for 2023

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Click here to listen to this episode of the Playbook! Please remember that the greatest way you can help me is to subscribe, rate, and leave a review on my podcast. Thank you for your support!

One of my favorite places to speak at each year is Web Summit, which has been called the world’s largest tech conference. Getting to experience cutting-edge thought leadership and interacting with some of the best executives always reminds me of the principles that unite all successful marketers.

Here are four of my top lessons from this year’s conference that you can apply to marketing and growing your business in 2023.

We can’t scale a business without the right people

The people are the foundation for any successful organization and there are three steps to scale any business that we need to apply in order to ensure we have that foundation. New members of the team should start with shadowing others until they are able to “break-even” with the value they are providing (either relative to expectations or to the revenue that they generate). From there, they can continue to grow and progress until their level of performance requires that we elevate them to a higher role, so others can start shadowing them. Lots of people think that scaling a business is only about the financial investment you make, when it really boils down to how many people you need, in order to get the goals that you want

We need to be learning every day

One of the best investments we can make is in ourselves and our education. Following our passions and curiosity are what will help accelerate us in the pursuit of our potential. We must also seek out mentors to learn from, meaning that we identify people who sit in a situation that we want to be in and seek to understand the mindset, heart set, and handset that they used to excel. Also key is having the humility to ask for help, whether that is from our mentors, coaches, or teachers.

Consistency is key for any marketing or branding efforts that we undertake

We must combine our desire for growth with a consistent approach to our day-to-day activities in order to thrive. Having the right systems in place will serve to amplify our efforts, rather than diminish them. Simple practices, like saying “thank you” when you wake up and before you go to bed, can have a massive impact on our mindset when we are consistent about using them. Having a strong mindset empowers us to effectively share our messages with others so that the message resonates with our audience.

Concentrate on what we’re becoming, not what’s coming

We can get lost paying too much attention to trends or trying to predict what will happen in the future, rather than placing our attention and intention on the present. The best results come when we direct our focus inward and work to improve our product, service, or solution wherever possible. We must also make a practice of taking stock in who we are now and what we want to become in the future, then identify pragmatic actions we can take to help us progress towards those goals.

Tennis Coaching Legend Rick Macci and NFL Running Back Austin Ekeler Share Insights On What It Takes To Achieve Greatness

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Greatness comes in all shapes and sizes, and last week I was lucky enough to spend some time with two very different sports legends, top tennis coach Rick Macci and star running back Austin Ekeler from the Los Angeles Chargers, to chat about what exactly makes someone great. Below are four of my biggest takeaways from the conversation, that can be applied by anyone who wants to pursue excellence in their own life.

Be sure to check out new episodes of Game, Set, Life w/ Macci and Meltzer, each Tuesday at 12pm PT / 3pm ET on LinkedInFacebook, or Twitter.


We determine our ceiling

Our talent level may determine our “basement” or baseline in terms of performance, but our knowledge and desire are what determine our ceiling or potential. It is up to us to determine where our skills fit the best and from there, our strategy should focus on maximizing our abilities. By placing our intention on having the right mindset and being consistent, we create more acceleration toward our goals.


We have to face challenges head-on if we want to get better

Things are not always going to go smoothly for us, which means that learning to be persistent and continually getting back up after getting knocked down is essential for progress. We have to be accountable for ourselves and not expect anyone to solve our problems for us, but that does not mean we shouldn’t be asking for help along the way.


Accessibility is key to brand-building

We have the desire to be connected to people, brands, things, and ideas that we relate to most. That drive for connectivity places an added importance on giving people effective and rewarding ways to discover us and access the content that we create. We must always concentrate on providing value first, and doing that consistently and persistently, knowing we’ll get value in the long term by building a community.


Mental toughness and physical toughness go hand-in-hand

Much like a professional athlete, most of us need to be able to perform when we’re not feeling our best mentally or physically. We can’t let minor obstacles “take us out of the game” or derail our plans. Instead, we must connect with our sources of motivation and inspiration to give us an extra push when we need it.


David Simas, CEO of the Obama Foundation, Shares Insights On Building a Community

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I have sat down with some of the greatest minds in leadership and David Simas, CEO of the Obama Foundation, is certainly among that group. During our discussion, he shared some of the most valuable insights he’s gained from his life and political career (including his role in Barack Obama’s administration as the White House Director of Political Affairs), and what struck me most was his understanding of servant leadership.

Below are five of the biggest lessons that I took away from that conversation:

We represent more than ourselves

Thinking that we are only a representative for ourselves is a naive approach when in reality, we represent many different communities. In order to best represent ourselves and each of those entities, we need to begin by respecting ourselves. To serve as a positive representative, we must consistently and persistently behave in a way that shows respect for ourselves, our family, and our community.

Remember that citizenship is about more than legal paperwork

Democracies work best when the people participate and are engaged. We need to be focused on adding value beyond activities that are expected, like paying taxes and serving jury duty. We cannot become entitled and must remember that we owe a responsibility to our communities to leave them better than we find them.

Understand the nexus of liberty and union

The ability to have liberty and personal freedom is a key part of the human experience, but so is a sense of belonging. We can create change and make an impact as an individual, but the truth will always be that we have the most power when we are part of a group that is aligned and united by a common purpose.

Know the basic tools for community organizing

Bringing a group of people together takes a combination of approaches. We must be able to take an asset inventory, determining the resources we can apply to solve a given problem. We must also use power mapping, to understand the decision-making process, as well as issue mapping, understanding an issue’s personal importance to help ourselves (and others) become inspired. Finally, the use of narrative storytelling allows us to bring people together for the same cause.

Don’t forget to pay it forward

Mentoring, coaching, and empowering the next generation is what will help us to scale our impact most effectively. Sharing the lessons learned from our greatest successes and greatest failures will help prepare our youth for the challenges that they’ll face in their lives. Don’t limit the positivity you create, spread it wherever possible.

3 Steps To Take Control Over Negativity and Strengthen Your Mindset

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Our perspective is our reality, which makes taking a positive perspective whenever possible an essential part of living a happy and fulfilling life. Here are three steps that anyone can take to help them take control over any negativity and strengthen their mindset in the process:

Focus on our conscious mind first

What we think, what we say, and what we do are all controlled by our conscious mind. We have about 10,000 new data inputs a day and with our conscious mind, we should be trying to control those 10,000 new inputs. Place our intentions upon thinking the right things, saying the right things, and taking the right actions, each and every day.  

Next, look for patterns in our subconscious

In order to make a change, we must first be aware that a change is needed, so taking stock of the ideas that we experience the most frequently is key. When we do something consistently and persistently, we build momentum. This idea holds true for positive and negative subconscious beliefs. When we find ourselves experiencing a negative thought repeatedly, we must consciously tell ourselves to “cancel” that thought.

Finally, understand that being vulnerable makes us invulnerable

Being honest with ourselves and others is another crucial element for taking control of our mindset, especially when a change is needed. We all make mistakes every day, so focusing on getting back to center after making a mistake should be a priority. Once we are back to our center and baseline, we are prepared to take action that pushes us toward our ultimate goals. This approach helps us to keep simple mistakes from throwing us too far off our trajectory for the future.

Change Your Life with 2 Simple Words

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There is nothing holding us back except our approach to life: our mindset, heart set, and handset. It is up to us to clear the interference between ourselves and our true potential. Below are five strategies to help us clear that interference as we pursue our potential each and every day.

Remember that the power of gratitude is immense

Our amount of gratitude is what controls our outlook on life, so we must continually find ways to practice gratitude. Saying “thank you” every morning and every night, for example, is one of the best and easiest ways to change our life for the better. Maintaining this grateful perspective is what gives us a better past, a happier present, and an even brighter future.

Have faith that the universe is in our favor

One of the best ways to strengthen our resolve is the belief that we’re being promoted and protected when something happens, rather than being punished. We can look at stoplights as an annoyance, or as the universe protecting us and keeping us safe from harm. Being optimistic and having faith in the idea that the universe is in our favor empowers us to keep going, even in difficult circumstances.

Know that we are vehicles of appreciation

We live in a value-add universe, rather than a scarce one, so we should place our attention and intention on adding value wherever possible. It is up to us to appreciate what we have, learn from it, and then share it or give it away. Finally, in order to continue the process of appreciation, we must remember to ask for more.

Put our faith in what we want

If we want to live happy and fulfilling lives, we can’t focus on what’s missing from our life. We have to be thankful and appreciative for what we do have, rather than spending our time and energy on what we perceive to be missing or lost. We must also have the strength to illuminate what we don’t do well, as well as have the humility to ask for help in order to achieve the growth we desire in those areas.

Our relationship with “no” is vital

As entrepreneurs, hearing “no” is a common occurrence. Our relationship with that phrase is ultimately what will determine our success over time. The optimal approach is to imagine we are a certain (unknown) number of “no”s away from getting a yes, so that we become more excited each time we hear a “no”. This will not only lead us to be more resilient in the face of doubt, but it will also instill a desire to keep going, knowing that we are even closer to hearing a “yes”.

The Difference Between Busy and Productive People

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At least once per month during my Free Weekly Friday Training sessions, I like to share my takeaway of the week, as well as allow others to share their most valuable lesson for the week, empowering everyone to learn these lessons and apply them in their own lives.

Below are five of my favorite lessons from last week’s session, to help guide you toward your true potential.

Understanding our brand leads to opportunities
There is only one unique brand in the world and it’s you. The better we get at understanding our essence (and ourselves), the more opportunities we will be afforded that are aligned with our brand. Authenticity is what resonates most with others, so we should work to stay true to ourselves, no matter the obstacles that come our way.

Content and community are king
There are so many ways that technology helps us to capture, modify, amplify, and perpetuate ourselves and our message, making it easier than ever before to be a “content creator”. We can create videos, products, a course, a podcast, events, and all types of content to bring together a community around our essence and build from there, making sure that we are proving much more value than we ask for in return. A community can create an extraordinary amount of change if we stay consistent and persistent in building it while providing value.

Master the mathematical equation for luck (Attention + Intention = Coincidence)
What we give attention and intention to is what creates coincidences in our life. There are five areas that we must focus our intention on: what we do, speak, think, believe, and feel. We should also place our attention on being present in the moment and applying the practice of “Do It Now” wherever possible, as that will help to accelerate our success.

We cannot give up when we experience pain

We must remember that pain is an indicator that there is a lesson to be learned, not a sign that we should give up. Looking at the challenges that we experience as promotion and protection, rather than punishment, is the more favorable perspective to take. We must trust the universe, but we also need to take action, ask for help, and help others in order to get what we want.

Get the term “busy” out of our vocabulary
A big pet peeve comes from people using being busy (or their perception that you are busy) as an excuse. We can be “busy” doing absolutely nothing, so instead focus on being productive, accessible, and gracious with our time. When it comes down to it, at any time we are either available or unavailable, and we need to be honest and accountable about it to others, rather than leaning on terms like “busy”.


Austin Ekeler, running back for the LA Chargers, Creating a Community that Empowers Others

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Mindset doesn’t change overnight

The strongest mindsets are built over time and that strength comes from consistent action. We must take accountability for the challenges we experience, look to learn from them, and leave no room for excuses. When we can apply that mindset to every aspect of our life, personally and professionally, that growth will pay dividends over time. 


Invest and create a community

Make sure that we’re paying it forward by doing what we can for our supporters. Find ways to connect and provide them additional value, especially in ways that are meaningful for them. When we can share our skills, knowledge, and desire in order to help others become the best version of themselves, we are scaling goodness.


Leverage your platform for good

As our profile grows, so does our ability to create a positive impact on other people. It is important that we remain grateful for the opportunities we’ve received along the way, and continually seek out opportunities to give our time, effort, and emotional, and even financial support. Use your situational knowledge to find ways to “open doors” for others and encourage them to do the same. 

Damon West Overcame a Life-Sentence in Prison to Empower Others Not to Make the Same Mistakes

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Some of our best lessons come from our greatest challenges, which is something that best-selling author and speaker Damon West is living proof of. In 2019, he wrote a wonderful book with my friend Jon Gordon, The Coffee Bean: A Simple Lesson to Create Positive Change, which shares how he overcame overwhelming obstacles.

A former college football quarterback who ended up using his leadership skills as the ringleader for a burglary ring after falling into drug addiction, his story of redemption provides five excellent insights for us all to apply to our lives.

We can’t let our environment change who we are

We have a choice in how we react to the situations that we are put in, making it important to choose to be a change agent. Taking accountability for our growth, rather than choosing to be a victim of our environment, is what leads to the results we desire.

Take stock in our belief systems (and how they are helping or hurting us)

We must remember that the results of our actions take time to see, so regularly taking inventory of the beliefs that we hold and evaluating their worth is an essential part of making progress. The longer we hold onto bad belief systems (such as limiting beliefs), the harder they are for us to get rid of.

The difference between religion and spirituality

While many believe that spirituality and religion are the same, they can exist separately from each other. Our spirituality is what empowers us to make a personal connection with our higher source, something that can occur outside the institution of religion. From there, it is up to us to ensure we serve the right god with our actions.

Look at everyone in our life as a teacher

We have the ability to learn lessons from all people that are in our lives if we are paying attention. They can teach us how to do things the right way or the wrong way, helping us to avoid paying the “dummy tax” in the process. We must be receptive to the messages we receive, especially from the people who go out of their way to invest in us.

Focus on what we can control

Believing we are in control of everything in our existence is a fallacy. There are really only five aspects of life we can control: what we think, feel, say, do, and believe. By examining the times we feel uncomfortable or at “dis-ease”, we can look at which of these areas may be the cause, and then make any adjustment necessary.